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About our church

On November 14th, 1976 over 1000 people gathered for the procession and the blessing of the new St. Stevan Decanski church. Almost a dozen of our priests assisted His Grace, Bishop Iriney, and two deacons for the consecration service of our new church. On that day, the Kumovi of the church were Djuro Zelenbaba and Nikola Unkovich. People came from near and far to celebrate the unique achievement of the local people in creating a beautiful complex for a Serbian community. That day marks a new beginning for our community and a big triumph of perseverance and faith.

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the leaders 

Four men, incorporating the best of the new and old world, were entrusted to lead the St. Stevan Decanski community to a better tomorrow. Walter Vukas shouldered the difficult burden and reorganization from 1964 through 1966 while the parish was forming. Under Vukas, Decanski bought the current land which was paid off and developed by his successor Wayne Felbarth. Wayne another native-born and similar son of pioneer settlers. During that time the church hall was built. Wayne served from 1967 through 1969  to be succeeded by the first new settler Slobodan Ceramilac who presided from 1970 through 1972, while the hall debt was being liquidated. Vukas returned to the helm in 1973 to push the liquidation drive, which was completed under the reign of president Srboljub (Srbo) Gavrilovich. Srbo initiated the subsequent building of the parish house and the glory of the present-day church. All four share a common trait, a burning desire for freedom and great faith in the people to accomplish miracles when put to a challenge. These men left behind a beautiful church, church hall and a parish house. They also left behind an example of how a determined few can lead and inspire the community to great lengths. Fr. Milan Radojevich joined the parish in 1965 and he was the first Decanski priest and another driver of building a great community. 

Thank you

We salute all that took an active role in building and establishing St. Stevan Decanski Orthodox Church. The roots that they have planted have gathered many generations at our place of worship and community. Many of the founding members that were responsible for building this great community have passed on. We must always remember their deeds and their labor of love and be grateful for their selfless services for our better tomorrow. 


The church and the community are thankful to all the generations that came after our founding fathers and helped our community to continue its growth. As the years pass on, the community stays strong and upholds the same values. Now it is on all of us to uphold those values and continue to help our community flourish for many years to come. 

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